Revisely makes it easy for teachers to give good and structured feedback on students' work. Revisely’s digital feedback tool supports the teaching staff during the entire workflow around writing assignments, from creating the writing prompt, thru correcting and grading the document all the way to giving the feedback to students.
With the use of Revisely’s powerful correction tool teachers and correctors can add built-in and custom observations to students' documents, providing them with more and more relevant feedback.
Revisely is a web application, works online in the browser, needs no installation and can be used on devices like iPads, Android tablets, laptops, desktops and smartphones.

You can create a free trial account for Revisely here. With the trial account, as a teacher you can see for yourself what it’s like to correct documents online for free during one month.

These trial accounts are meant only for NEW TEACHERS who don’t have an existing account, so they’re NOT meant for students.

TIP 1: If you’re a student, please ask your helpdesk or teacher how to log in at Revisely. You can also ask us to send you the credentials if you forgot your password.

TIP 2: If your colleague has already created a trial account at Revisely, you can also ask us to convert her/his trial account into a regular account and to add you to their account (at our contact page).
Enter your full first name and last name
Your e-mail address will be your username. Revisely may also use your e-mail address to notify you about Revisely-related matters.
At least 6 characters, use letters (at least one uppercase) and numbers.
Please repeat your password for security purposes